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Easy Way to Learn Latin Pronoun Declensions

Latin can be complicated for beginners learning the language. Latin grammar is not necessarily obvious, especially because Latin nouns can be quite problematic. In fact, all nouns correspond to a Latin declension according to their position in the sentence. Learning Latin, therefore, requires you to memorise all the Latin declensions and cases. Don't fret, Superprof is here to give you some tips to help you remember these pesky grammar rules!

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What Are the Latin declensions?

Use a latin declensions table to help you remember them.
Every linguist needs to know their declensions! Source: Pixabay

Latin has five declensions the origin of which are explained in Latin history books. To define a noun and know which declension it belongs to, you have two different cases, nominative or genitive, then its type (feminine, masculine or neutral). For all the declensions, you will need to learn the cases in both singular and plural. There are 6 cases: nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative and ablative. They each correspond to a grammar function:

  • Nominative = subjects,
  • Vocative = function for calling, questioning,
  • Accusative = direct objects,
  • Genitive = possessive nouns,
  • Dative = indirect objects,
  • Ablative = prepositional objects.

For all the nouns that have a genitive ending in -ae and which are feminine, we will use the first declension, with the example rosa, rosae, feminine (rose). Here is the first declension:

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Rosa Rosae
Vocative Rosa Rosae
Accusative Rosam Rosas
Genitive Rosae Rosarum
Dative Rosae Rosis
Ablative Rosa Rosis

For the second declension in the masculine, we will use dominus, i, m (masculine) which means master or ager, i, m (field):

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Dominus Domini
Vocative Domine Domini
Accusative Dominum Dominos
Genitive Domini Dominorum
Dative Domino Dominis
Ablative Domino Dominis

There are also nouns that are neutral in Latin. For the second declension for neutral nouns, the example is templum, i, n (neutral) which means temple:

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Templum Templa
Vocative Templum Templa
Accusative Templum Templa
Genitive Templi Templorum
Dative Templo Templis
Ablative Templo Templis

The third Latin declension is the most difficult to learn. Indeed, there is a distinction between Parisyllabic and imparisyllabic Latin words. What is it? Parisyllabic nouns have the same number of nominative and genitive syllables, whereas for imparisyllabic nouns, the genitive has one syllable more than the nominative. Beware, there are false imparisyllabic nouns: these are nouns with two consonants at the end. For example: urbs, urbis (city); mens, mentis, f (mind); mons, montis, f (mountain) or cor, cordis, m (heart). For the masculine or feminine parisyllabic nouns, the example used is civis, civis, m (citizen):

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Civis Cives
Vocative Civis Cives
Accusative Civem Cives
Genitive Civis Civium
Dative Civis Civibus
Ablative Cive Civibus

For neutral parisyllabic nouns, the example is mare, maris, n (sea):

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Mare Maria
Vocative Mare Maria
Accusative Mare Maria
Genitive Maris Marium
Dative Mari Maribus
Ablative Mari Maribus

For the imparisyllabic masculine or feminine nouns, the example we've used is consul, consulis, m (consul):

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Consul Consules
Vocative Consul Consules
Accusative Consulem Consules
Genitive Consulis Consulum
Dative Consuli Consulibus
Ablative Consule Consulibus

For neutral imparisyllabic nouns, the example is corpus, corporis, n (body):

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Corpus Corpora
Vocative Corpus Corpora
Accusative Corpus Corpora
Genitive Corporis Corporum
Dative Corpori Corporibus
Ablative Corpore Corporibus

For the fourth declension, masculine or feminine, we will use manus, us, f (hand) as an example:

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Manus Manus
Vocative Manus Manus
Accusative Manum Manus
Genitive Manus Manuum
Dative Manui Manibus
Albative Manu Manibus

For the fourth declension for neutral nouns, we will use cornu, us, n (horn):

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Cornu Cornua
Vocative Cornu Cornua
Accusative Cornu Cornua
Genitive Cornus Cornuum
Dative Cornui Cornibus
Ablative Cornu Cornibus

As for the fifth declension, there are only feminine nouns, with the exception of dies, ei, m (day) but which is also feminine when it means the date. We will use the example of res, rei, f (thing):

Case Singular Feminine
Nominative Res Res
Vocative Res Res
Accusative Rem Res
Genitive Rei Rerum
Dative Rei Rebus
Ablative Re Rebus

You can easily find all the Latin declensions in an English-Latin dictionary like the Oxford Latin Dictionary or even online.

Latin Declensions: Learn Using Multiple Intelligences

Use online resources and websites to learn Latin declensions.
Making a colour-coded diagram can help you remember the declensions. Source: Visual Hunt

The theory of multiple intelligences was explained by the psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983 and later developed in 1993. This theory is a tool used in educational science to allow every student to flourish, to learn to how to learn and help them think differently about their education. He suggests that there are several types of intelligence:

  • Linguistic: the ability to use language to understand others and express what we think. In terms of Latin and the declensions, it may mean we comment on what we see and express what we think of declensions to memorise them better and simplify learning,
  • Logical-mathematical: the ability to manipulate numbers and problem solve. By making diagrams of the declensions, pupils can appropriate them and retain them better,
  • Spatial: the ability to find one's way and establish relationships between objects in space. Making colourful drawing can allow students to make the declensions more tangible and thus memorise them more easily.

These first three types of intelligence are the ones most used in schools to help students memorise an abstract topic. Each student then gradually discovers which intelligence is most effective for them. There are also other strands of intelligence described by this theory that may prove useful to some students:

  • Intra-personal: the faithful and realistic self-representation and proper use in everyday life,
  • Interpersonal: the ability to understand others and anticipate behaviour,
  • Body-kinesthetic: using your body to express an idea or carry out a given physical activity,
  • Musical: the ability to perceive and create rhythms and sounds. This can be useful when learning declensions, you'll soon see why!
  • Naturalist: understanding your environment and having awareness of living things,
  • Existential (spiritual): the ability to question the origin and meaning of things.

Test your knowledge of Latin history and culture by identifying these 20 quotes!

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Memorizing Techniques to Learn the Latin Declensions

Learn Latin grammar through fun songs and games.
Learning languages is always better with songs! Source: Visual Hunt

The Latinists should be good singers or at least try to beat in time to learn the Latin declensions by heart! For both modern languages and grammar rules, try to come up with a song to help you remember, or even recall famous quotes in Latin. Have you ever not been able to get a TV advert out of your head? Do you know why? Two simple reasons:

  • Repetition: an advertisement is played several times a day, it's practically impossible not to remember it after hearing it two or three times,
  • Music: advertisers usually use a short melody or even sing a slogan that gets into your head and you can't get it out! "Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline." (I dare you not to sing this in your head.)

If you put the declensions into a song or to a piece of music, there is more chance you will remember them. Don't have a tune that comes to mind? Do not worry, it's already been done for you! Check out these Latin lessons on Superprof. Sing along to the video then before you know it you'll be singing it in the shower! To learn the declensions, a father and son created their own lyrics set to the music of Get Lucky by Daft Punk: Have you tried using any familiar tunes that you've come up with yourself? If not, use well known tunes like nursery rhymes you learned as a child or even your favourite pop song to help you learn. Discover also the history and evolution of the Latin alphabet...

Latin Declensions: Doing Exercises to Boost Memory

After you've learned the declensions and you think you know all of them by heart, test yourself with Latin exercises. You will find tons of these on the internet which will allow you to read Latin texts to enrich your Latin vocabulary, improve your Latin syntax, but most importantly, make sure you know your declensions. On the website, you can browse through basic Latin-English dictionary as well as do exercises and tests to practise Latin vocabulary, the verbs and declensions. Another great resource for Latin games and quizzes is which is a fun learning website for all levels. Learn through flashcards, crosswords, games and puzzles to master latin grammar. Do you know about Latin's linguistic legacy?

Latin Declensions: Study with a Private Tutor!

Enrich your knowledge of history by learning Latin.
Traveling to Rome? You'll be able to understand all the engravings! Source: Visual Hunt

If you get stuck and find learning Latin a real ordeal, you should consider taking private Latin lessons for beginners. A private teacher is there just for you and to meet your needs as a student. If your difficulties come from learning the declensions, a tutor will have a range of learning techniques to help you memorise them. Learning Latin with a private teacher is usually more motivating too. You will have goals to reach every week and you have no excuses not to do the work. Generally, you will not want to disappoint your teacher, who you can form a relationship with and who is likely to be much more interesting than your Latin teacher at school! On Superprof, there are tons of Latin teachers offering lessons for all levels, as well as thousands of other teachers in all Latin languages. They each have a different experience, from retired teachers to classical literature students to passionate mythology, ancient Greek and Latin students. A private class doesn't have to break the bank! With Superprof, Latin prices start at around fifteen pounds. Of course, it depends on your level, your location and the teacher's experience. A beginners class will definitely cost less than a college course in Latin anyway! So, are you ready to test yourself on the Latin declensions? Now find the answers to all of your questions about the Latin language...
