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How to Tell Work You Nee Time Off for Court

jackal ex-employer
Remember 210 days ago when I was lied to owed my last paycheck? Well guess what, today I go fight for it!  All $2,100 worth.  In fact, I could very well be sitting in court as you're reading this! :) (I'll try and send out a tweet if I can get away with it, haha…)

We had our briefing the other day on how it's all gonna go down, kinda like how they do on The Good Wife, and I must admit I'm damn excited about it. I've never been to this kinda court before! I've been summoned to Jury Duty here and there (and for some reason never picked to help with the trials ;)), but never have I sued anyone or felt like I was about to step inside of a movie.  If I had the balls, and our ex-employer actually showed up – which is doubtful – I'd totally turn to them and yell "You can't handle the truth!!" and promptly escort myself out, haha… but I'll probably just end up standing there like an idiot… trying to stop myself from day dreaming.

And while I'm still just as fired up as I was back in December, I can't help but feel a *little* bad for the new guys who have recently joined our suit (a handful more just got laid off last month in the same circumstance – big shock). Even that ex-VP who stood in front of me 7 months ago and told me I was fired!  You think MY $2,000 is a lot?  Boy… that guy is owed 2+ months worth PLUS commission, what a mess…

But like I told a few friends the other day, for me at this stage it's not about the money any more. I'd love to have it, but it's all about STANDING UP for ourselves now and fighting for what we believe in. I'm tired of companies just doing whatever the hell they want and acting like it's okay because that's "just how business is."  Bull$hit.  Just because you're legally a business, doesn't mean you get to throw all your ethics out the window.  If someone does work for you, you pay them!  It's not that hard…. you know that $300,000 your paying YOURSELF as a CEO?  Well guess what, you're not doing your job.  At least pay the ones who WERE before you let them go and accused them of stealing (Remember that $hit? Arghh…)

It's all rather sad.  Our ex-CEO would probably kill someone if it meant a good ROI. It's like he has no concept of right vs wrong anymore when it comes to business. He goes around telling everyone he's a stand up Christian, and that he attends church every single Sunday (no exaggeration – he used to say it every other day), but when it comes to work he operates under a totally separate set of rules. You know that saying,"It's not personal, it's just business?" Well, he takes that and amplifies it to the max. It's actually kinda scary. And another reason I'm so glad I'm outta there now!!

But yeah, that's where I'll be for the better half of the day :) Fighting the good fight, and taking on a totally new adventure in this crazy life! I'll be sure to come back with a full report like always, but do me a favor and send over some positive vibes, will ya?  I wanna walk into that courtroom pumped and full of confidence!  That $17,000 was nice I got earlier in the week, but this guy's a whole other ballgame (and whole other company, too – not to be confused with each other, haha..).  However it ends up, though, at least we can say we went for it!

Happy Friday all!!

UPDATE: We won!!! See how it all went down here :)

(Photo by Mister-E. Confirmed by J$)

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How to Tell Work You Nee Time Off for Court
